Metal Reactions

1.  What were the different experiments you completed?

The different experiments we completed are the Hydrogen pop test and Burning magnesium.

2.  What observations did you make in each experiment?

Burning magnesium – magnesium reacts with oxygen to make bright white light. 

Hydrogen pop test – Put acid and magnesium in a small test tube, use a popsicle stick thing, react and make a pop sound. 

3. How can reactants from your experiment be used to predict products?

Burning magnesium predicts that the product will be magnesium oxide and for the hydrogen pop test it predicts that the product will be hydrogen gas making the popping sounds once it ignites. 

Burning magnesium equation = 2Mg + O2 —> 2MgO.

Hydrogen pop test equation = 2H2 + O2 —> 2H2O

Making Indicators

Aim: To make acid-base indicators using everyday substances.


  • Red cabbage
  • Tea
  • Beetroot
  • Beaker
  • Water
  • Tripod
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Water
  • 1.0 mol L-1 HCI (Acid)
  • 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH (Base)

Method: (I did tea, so I’ll be writing down the method for doing tea, though most of them do have the same method.)

  1. Put 100 ml of water into a beaker and boil with the bunser burner.
  2.  Turn off bunser burner and put the tea bag in the beaker.
  3. Remove tea bags when the tea is boiled enough/strong.
  4. Place in small beaker and leave to side.




  • What colour did each indicator change in an acid vs. a base? 

First of all, the indicator the tea turned light brown when an acid was put in it and then with the put in it base it turned dark brown. When the cabbage got acid into it turned bright red and with base it turned green. With Turmic it turned the acid yellow type of color, and base turned it Deep red/black color. And finally with Beetroot the acid turned it red and the base turned it dark red.

  • Were some indicators better than others.

Some Indicators were definitely better than others, example the cabbage, once you put the HCI or the NaOH the color would complety change. Changing into much more bright colors, then the lightish purple it starts out as. One’s like the cabbage changed the color fully instead of leaving it as a somewhat lighter or darker shade of the original color.


  • did all your experiments work.

Yes, my experiment worked perfectly fine and how it was supposed even if the slight color change from the tea was a little anticlimactic.

  • What could you do to improve next time?

Next time to improve, instead of just doing the tea I could of went out to try the other ones too. To see the changes myself.

Testing pH

Aim: To test and learn with different pH levels


  • Different household chemicals
  • Spotting title
  • red litmus paper
  • blue litmus paper
  • Universal indicator solution
  • Safety glasses
  • Pipet


  1. Put a few drops of what ever base/acid you have into one spot of your spotting title.
  2. Test the chemical with your litmus paper.
  3. Then put the universal indicator into that same exact title spotting title.

Results: I didn’t notice but I did the whole litmus paper bit wrong, so that’s why it just says red/didn’t change.

Chemical being tested Colour in blue litmus Colour in red litmus Colour in Universal indicator
Toilet cleaner red red Light red
Spray and Wipe red Didn’t change Yellow
Dishwashing liquid  Didn’t change Didn’t change Light Orange
Vinegar  red Didn’t change Light red
Fabric softener  red Didn’t change Orange


Why did different household chemicals change different colours?:

Household chemicals change different color as per the acids and bases, they make the indicators turn different colors depending on whenever they were more acidc or basic or of a netural substance.

How did you know if these chemicals were acidic or basic?:

They way you know that the chemicals were an acid or a base, is through the color. If the color turns red/yellow/orange when putting the in the universal indicator that means its an acid, purple/blue means its a base and if it turns green that the chemical is either acid or a base, its kind of just in middle of both of them and that’s called netural.


My experiement worked perfectly fine and how it was supposed too. Though next time if I got a chance to do this again I would wash the pipet before trying another chemical just to see if we got more vairy in color, because as my results turned out all red/orange/yellow, they were all acids. Maybe if I had of washed the pipet before moving onto the next one I could of got some bases and nerutals.

Consequences of Cocaine and LSD

– Cocaine

Cocaine is one of the most additive drugs in the world, used and brought by all ages. Cocaine is a very severe long term drug. There are many different affects that the drug can have on you, but here are five.

Cocaine can lead to death, from things like having a stroke, respiratory failure, heart attacks, cerebral homorrage. Which of course, are all negative, along with the affects of dying taking cocaine can greaty affect your wellbeing, from physical to social

Physical, cocaine will take a great toll on how your body changes and reacts to things, you’ll start taking less care of yourself, you’ll start not functioning like how a normal person would. Socially you’ll start to block off your friends and family, you’ll become alone and defendless.

– LSD.

LSD is a very potant and mooding changing chemical. It’s odorless, colorless and has a slightly bitter taste. Along with cocaine, LSD is also a very addictive drug, LSD is both a short-term or long- term it just depends if you keep taking it or not.

LSD can last about 8 to 12 hours, some affects in include audoitry hallucinations, vomiting, irregular heart beat, breathing quickly. Though long-term affects are bit more severe, like increased risk of bloodborne infections from injection and flashback halluction when not using LSD. LSD like all the drugs can really affect your wellbeing, most notely your physical wellbeing.

When taking LSD your physical wellbeing can be largely affected especially when it comes to perceptual changes, things like more rapid mood changes, changes relating to touch: shaking, pressure, lightheadedness, Visual effects; bright lights, blurred vision, distored shapes and an impact on thinking: distored perception on time and accelerated thoughts.


Model Atom

Aim: To make our own model atom – To learn about the stucture of an atom.


  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Blu-tack
  • Beads
  • Tape
  • String


  1. Grab Equipment.
  2. Pick an atom you want to make.
  3. Cut out the paper into as many circles as you need as the “shells” of the atom.
  4. With that grab the part that is the center of the shell, and put two different beads down as your neturons and protons with the correct number.
  5. On the other shells grab more beads to act as your electrons, make sure to put them in the places.
  6. Get your tape and turn your paper around tape a long bit of string to the back of all the shells. So you can hang it from a wall or something if you would like too.



  • How many protons, electrons and neutrons does your atom have?

– The atom I did was Neon,  Neon has 10 protons, 10 neutrons and 10 electrons.

  • Where do you find each of these particles in the atom?

– You will find the protons and neutrons in the center of the atom, while you will find the electrons in the other shells.

  • What is the mass and atomic number for your atom?

– Mass number: 20.1797 = Mass number means the total number of protons and neutrons in an atom.

– Atomic Number: 10 = Atomic Number is the total of number of protons and nucleus of an atom.

  • 2 interesting facts about your atom
  1. Neon has the narrowest liquid range of any element.
  2. Breathing neon will make your voice a higher pitch, but not as much as helium will.
  • What are isotopes?

–  Isotopes in simple terms is an atom with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Some examples include the carbon isotopes which are Carbon-12,Carbon-13,Carbon-14. They have atomic masses of 12,13 and 14.


My model atom worked how it was supposed, it was easy to make and an overall enjoyable experience. If I had one thing I would do differently though it would be making my atom smaller, not that I made it too big in the first place, it would of just made my life a little easier if I had done it smaller.

Olympic Althlete – SOS

In social studies, we have to doing been even more work on the Olympic games, this time I did a short biography about a Olympic athele. The athele I decided to do about it was Yuzuru Hanyu, a figure skater.

Here is my work, again the quality is bad and there’s nothing I do about that.

That’s all for today, I hoped you enjoyed and learnt a little bit.

Periodic table

Kia ora,  in science we are learning about the periodic table. We had to make our own mini periodic table with only twenty elements.

Here is mine:

Like the work calls for, there are twenty elements in my table they are:

  1. Calcium (Ca) Mass numbers = 40.08
  2. Stromtium (Sr) Mass numbers = 87.62
  3. Barium (Ba) Mass numbers = 137.67
  4. Radium (Ra) Mass numbers = (226)
  5. Zironium (Zr) Mass numbers = 91.22
  6. Hafnium (Hf) Mass numbers = 178.5
  7. Rutherfordium (Rf) Mass numbers = (267)
  8. Niobium (Nb) Mass numbers = 92.91
  9. Tantalum (Ta) Mass numbers = 180.9
  10. Dubium (Db) Mass numbers = (268)
  11. Molybedenum (Mo) Mass numbers = 95.95
  12. Tungsten (W) Mass numbers = 183.8
  13. Seaborgium (Sg) Mass numbers = (269)
  14. Technetium (Tc) Mass numbers = 98.00
  15. Rhenium (Re) Mass numbers = 186.2
  16. Bohrium (Bh) Mass numbers = (270)
  17. Boron (B) Mass numbers = 10.81
  18. Aluminium (Al) Mass numbers = 26.98
  19. Gallium (Ga) Mass numbers = 69.72
  20. Indium (In) Mass numbers = 114.5

In the first group (Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra) all the outer shells have two electrons while all the others have different and are kinda all over the place. A patten a see is that in the down the middle will usually always have a straight line of electrons, also the higher the number the more electrons and shells an atom will have.

Gymnastics – SOS

In social studies we are learning about the Olympics, here is some working i’ve been doing on timeline of the delevopment of Gymnastics.

I can’t get the picture to be higher quality, sorry about that. But that’s all for today hoped you enjoyed.


Kia Ora in health we are learning a bit about the laws of drinking, smoking and vaping in class. Here is some of my work i’ve done.



Alcohol Purchasing age: 18

Drinking age: Whenever

Drinking at a party: 18, But can drink long as a guardian is there and they are sober.

What will a shopkeeper be charged with if they sell u18 alcohol? 

They could be fined up to 2,000 dollars.



Highlight- is it illegal or legal?

Possession/to have: illegal or legal?

Distribution/deal: illegal or legal?

Cultivation/grow: illegal or legal?

What will the fine and/or jail time be if you….

Get caught with a small amount of weed on you?

 3 months imprisonment and/or $500 fine 

Get caught selling/dealing it?

8 years imprisonment. Summarily – 1 year jail and/or $1,000 fine

Get caught growing it?

8 years imprisonment. Summarily – 1 year jail and/or $1,000 fine



Purchasing age: 18 Fine and/or jail time for the person selling U18 the cigarettes?

Fine (10,000) conviction or the removal of your ability to sell products for a period of up to 3 months.



Purchasing age: 18 Fine and/or jail time for the person selling U18 vapes?\

Fine (10,000) conviction or the removal of your ability to sell products for a period of up to 3 months.

That’s all I have to give today, hope you enjoyed.